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Sunday, July 13, 2003
Day 146: Baby Kos as Beckham

It's amazing what four weeks has done to Elisa:

At week 15:




It's no surprise. The baby is barely viable. It's actually a real person, albeit a tiny, tiny one. And it's in the middle of a serious growth spurt -- it will double its weight over the next four weeks. And such growth requires food, and lots of it.

And Elisa is obliging.

She is, right now, eating her sixth meal of the day. And I'm not talking about small-portion meals or snacks. I'm talking sixth feasts. And she's showing no signs of slowing. She's like a locust.

Before, she was "eating for two". Now she's eating for an entire NFL team. And 98.7 percent of that food is going straight to the baby. It really needs the food. The baby is only 1 percent body fat right now, and will need to fatten up before birth.

And if Elisa slacks off for even a minute, the baby lets her know it. It kicks, it pushes, it tugs on the umbilical chord, it gnaws on her internal organs -- whatever it takes to get her attention.

Heck, Baby Kos kicks so hard that even I can feel it. No kidding -- Friday night was the exciting day. The first day I felt my baby's wrath.

And the baby is already a hellion. Keeps Elisa up all night, sleeps during the day. Is this a preview of coming attractions?


On the baby development front, things are progressing. The baby can now hear, though it's probably too early for it to process sounds just yet. The baby is about 7 inches long, or about the size of a Barbie Doll, and weighs about one pound.

The eyelids are still fused, but it makes blinking motions. Most of the baby's skeleton has now hardened into bone.

Baby testicles and ovaries are created from the same tissue. If we're giving birth to Aristotle (a boy), his testicles will have started migrating down from the Pelvis to the scrotum. The ovaries obviously stay where they were formed.

by Kos | July 13, 2003 05:43 PM